I have a graphviz code like this:
import pygraphviz as pgv
A = pgv.AGraph(strict=False, directed=True,
overlap=False, sep="+10,10")
[A.add_node(k) for k, v in S] # adding all nodes
A.add_edge(S.created, S.packaged_unassigned)
A.add_edge(S.packaged_unassigned, S.packaged_assigned)
A.add_edge(S.packaged_assigned, S.packaged_unassigned, style="dotted")
A.add_edge(S.packaged_assigned, S.shipped_to_distributor)
A.add_edge(S.shipped_to_distributor, S.on_distributor_side_out)
A.add_edge(S.on_distributor_side_out, S.shipped_to_deployer)
A.add_edge(S.shipped_to_deployer, S.on_distributor_side_in)
A.add_edge(S.on_distributor_side_in, S.shipped_to_lab)
A.add_edge(S.shipped_to_lab, S.on_lab_side)
A.add_edge(S.on_lab_side, S.analysis_completed)
A.add_edge(S.analysis_completed, S.completed)
which produces this output: https://i.ibb.co/7pJQ8rd/Screenshot-2020-12-20-at-22-23-10.png
My concern here is that the nodes seem to not utilize the available space properly. Instead they just span the diagonal of the image. How can i make graphviz utilize the space better to create a smaller image while keeping the constraint of no overlaps?
One constraint is that you have specified a chained graph. and thus, the plot is somewhat constrained by that.
See the documentation for some possible alternative options to specify:
For example, you can try specifying a landscape view AGraph(landscape='true'...)
You can also try experimenting with different layout directives:
Optional prog=[‘neato’|’dot’|’twopi’|’circo’|’fdp’|’nop’] will use specified graphviz layout method.
Also see:
To adjust directed graphs to improve layout aspect ratio.
Another technique you could use is to break-up parts of the graph, such that it might look like this (adding a text label to the nodes, with the numbering scheme):
(1) -> (2) ->(3)
(4) -> (5) ->(6)
NOTE: The Python documentation for that library specifically suggests that you also refer to the Graphviz documentation...for additional options.
For example:
The Gallery also has some great examples, illustrating the use of different parameters