I'm in the process of coding the knight's tour function, and I'm as far as this where I'm getting an infinte loop in my ghci:
type Field = (Int, Int)
nextPositions:: Int -> Field -> [Field]
nextPositions n (x,y) = filter onBoard
where onBoard (x,y) = x `elem` [1..n] && y `elem` [1..n]
type Path = [Field]
knightTour :: Int -> Field -> [Path]
knightTour n start = [posi:path | (posi,path) <- tour (n*n)]
where tour 1 = [(start, [])]
tour k = [(posi', posi:path) | (posi, path) <- tour (k-1), posi' <- (filter (`notElem` path) (nextPositions n posi))]
F.e. knightTour 10 (4,4) does not give an output! Any advise?
I think one of the main problems is checking if you have visited a square. This takes too much time. You should look for a data structure that makes that more efficient.
For small boards, for example up to 8×8, you can make use of a 64-bit integer for that. A 64-bit can be seen as 64 booleans that each can represent whether the knight already has visited that place.
we thus can implement this with:
{-# LANGUAGE BangPatterns #-}
import Data.Bits(testBit, setBit)
import Data.Word(Word64)
testPosition :: Int -> Word64 -> (Int, Int) -> Bool
testPosition !n !w (!r, !c) = testBit w (n*r + c)
setPosition :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> Word64 -> Word64
setPosition !n (!r, !c) !w = setBit w (n*r + c)
nextPositions :: Int -> Word64 -> (Int, Int) -> [(Int, Int)]
nextPositions !n !w (!x, !y) = [ c
| c@(x', y') <- [(x-1,y-2), (x-1,y+2), (x+1,y-2), (x+1,y+2), (x-2,y-1), (x-2,y+1), (x+2,y-1), (x+2,y+1)]
, x' >= 0
, y' >= 0
, x' < n
, y' < n
, not (testPosition n w c)
knightTour :: Int -> (Int, Int) -> [[(Int, Int)]]
knightTour n p0 = go (n*n-1) (setPosition n p0 0) p0
where go 0 _ _ = [[]]
go !k !w !ps = [
| ps' <- nextPositions n w ps
, rs <- go (k-1) (setPosition n ps' w) ps'
main = print (knightTour 6 (1,1))
If I compile this with the -O2
flag and run this locally for a 5×5 board where the knight starts at (1,1), all the solutions are generated in 0.32 seconds. For a 6×6 board, it takes 2.91 seconds to print the first solution, but it takes forever to find all solutions that start at (1,1). For an 8×8 board, the first solution was found in 185.76 seconds:
It is however not a good idea to solve this with a brute force approach. If we assume an average branching factor of ~6 moves, then for a 6×6 board, we have already 1.031×1028 possible sequences we have to examine for a 6×6 board.
It is better to work with a divide and conquer approach. It is easy to split a board like 8×8 into four 4×4 boards. Then you determine places where you can hop from one board to another, and then you solve the subproblems for a 4×4 board. For small boards, you can easily store the solutions to go from any square to any other square on a 4×4 board, and then reuse these for all quadrants, so you save computational effort, by not calculating this a second time, especially since you do not need to store symmetrical queries multiple times. If you know how to go from (1,0) to (2,3) on a 4×4 board, you can easily use this to go from (3,0) to (2,3) on the same board, just by mirroring this.