In each country, which city has the highest ZIP code? Select only the Country name, and the city name
Here is a graphic schema, which may help you:
This is what I done so far:
SELECT CountryName, CityName
from City ci
join County co on co.CountryID = ci.CountryID
group by CountryName, CityName, ci.ZipCode
having ZipCode = MAX(ZipCode)
I would be grateful if someone can solve me this.
One option uses a lateral join:
select co.countryname, ci.cityname, ci.zipcode
from country co
cross apply (
select top (1) with ties ci.*
from city ci
where ci.countryid = co.countryid
order by ci.zipcode desc
) ci
You can also use row_number()
select co.countryname, ci.cityname, ci.zipcode
from country co
inner join (
select ci.*, rank() over(partition by countryid order by zipcode desc) rn
from city ci
) ci on ci.countryid = co.countryid
If you are running MS Access, you can use a correlated subquery:
select co.countryname, ci.cityname, ci.zipcode
from country co as co
inner join city as ci on ci.countryid = co.countryid
where ci.zipcode = (
select max(c1.zipcode)
from city as ci1
where ci1.countryid =