I have a method where based on Flowable data value I need to continue RX chain different ways . what I mean is that if the isOnline property of data object is true then I need to call scan(initial,selector) but if it is false then I need to call scan(selector)
public Flowable<Data> initialCall(
@NotNull Flowable<Info> info, Data initial) {
return info
.switchMap(it -> call(Flowable.just(it),initial, it.isOnline));
private Flowable<Data> call (
Flowable<A> a,
Data initial, boolean isOnline
) {
return Flowable.combineLatest(
(a, b) -> {
return ....;
///here based on the Data isOnline property I need to call either
///scan(initial, selector) or scan(selector) and then continue....
Is this, what you want? Based on isOnline
a scan
-operator is applied with or without a seed
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.BackpressureStrategy;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.Flowable;
import io.reactivex.rxjava3.core.FlowableTransformer;
import org.junit.jupiter.api.Test;
class So65349760 {
private static <C extends Data> FlowableTransformer<Data, Data> scan(
Boolean isOnline, C initialValue) {
if (isOnline) {
return upstream -> {
return upstream.scan(
(prev, current) -> {
return new Data();
} else {
return upstream -> upstream.scan((prev, current) -> new Data());
void so65349760() {
Flowable<Integer> a = Flowable.fromCallable(() -> 1);
Flowable<String> b = Flowable.fromCallable(() -> "42");
Data seed = new Data();
call(a, b, seed, false).test().assertValueCount(1);
call(a, b, seed, true).test().assertValueCount(2);
private <A, B, C extends Data> Flowable<Data> call(
Flowable<A> a, Flowable<B> b, C init, boolean isOnline) {
return Flowable.combineLatest(a, b, (v1, v2) -> 42)
.switchMap(integer -> Flowable.just(new Data()))
.compose(scan(isOnline, init))
.map(d -> d)
private static class Data {}