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Unable to pass arguments to button methods in jasmine using vue and moment

I have a Vue app I am trying to unit test, using jasmine/karma. Below is the code in a component:

After using v-for=(data,index) from database, I'm setting in the template:

<p class="date">
  {{ dateFilter( }}

Now I can test whether a given data is in the proper format. I currently have something like this in the spec file:

import { mount } from '@vue/test-utils';
import moment from 'moment'

it('should call method', () => {
  const selector = wrapper.find('date');

How can I call the method and pass a mock parameter to test the method? Can we also import the moment js?


  • To test whether the date was rendered in the correct format:

    const wrapper = mount(MyComponent, {
      propsData: {
        // assuming component has `items` prop, used in:
        // <p class="date" v-for="data in items"> {{ dateFilter( }} </p>
        items: [
            id: 100,
            date: new Date('2020-12-10T12:30:45-08:00') // 12:30pm GMT-8 === 4:30pm UTC
    const dateEl = wrapper.find('.date') // find first dateElement with `date` class
    expect(dateEl.text()).toEqual('16:30 pm')

    To test the component method directly, access the method through the wrapper's vm property:

    expect(wrapper.vm.dataFilter(new Date('2020-12-10T12:30:45-08:00'))).toEqual('16:30 pm')