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Flutter : API isn't respond when send Field?

I create a Future function for Multipart API post request with upload image. But when I use request.fields.addAll(updateProfileInfo.toJson()); it's not responding.

Here is the code sample -

    Future<Map<String, dynamic>> updateprofile(
      UpdateProfileInfo updateProfileInfo, File imageFile) async {
    var stream = http.ByteStream(Stream.castFrom(imageFile.openRead()));
    var length = await imageFile.length();

    String url = "$baseAPIUrl/update-profile-info";
    String _token = await SavedData().loadToken();
    String authorization = "Bearer $_token";

    final body = jsonEncode(updateProfileInfo);
    final headers = {
      'Content-Type': 'application/json',
      'Accept': 'application/json',
      "Authorization": authorization

    var request = http.MultipartRequest("POST", Uri.parse(url));
    var multipartFile = http.MultipartFile('image', stream, length,
        filename: basename(imageFile.path));


    http.StreamedResponse response = await request.send();

    String respStr = await;
    dynamic respJson;

    try {
      respJson = jsonDecode(respStr);
    } on FormatException catch (e) {

    print('API ${response.statusCode}\n  $respJson');

    bool isSuccess = response.statusCode == 200;
    var data = json.decode(respStr);

    return {
      'isSuccess': isSuccess,
      "message": isSuccess ? data["success"]["message"] : null,
      "name": isSuccess ? data["success"]["name"] : null,
      "classgroup": isSuccess ? data["success"]["classgroup"] : null,
      "image": isSuccess ? data["success"]["image"] : null,
      "error": isSuccess ? null : data['error']['message'],

How can I send body field request ? please someone help me


  • request.fields is a map of type <String, String>. So all of your fields data must be string. In other way updateProfileInfo.toJson() must return Map<String, String> type object.

    Hope this might solve your issue.