im making a game and a the character is ment to show a gun animation depending on what position he was facing here is the code the determines that
class Player(object):
def __init__(self, x, y, width, height):
self.x = x
self.y = y
self.width = width
self.height = height
self.velo = 8
self.left = False
self.right = False
self.walkcount = 0
self.Idlecount = 0
self.guncount = 0
self.gunisfired = False
self.isIdle = False
self.standing = True
def draw(self, screen):
#draws all the animations to the screen
if self.walkcount + 1 >= 27:
self.walkcount = 0
elif self.Idlecount + 1 >= 27:
self.Idlecount = 0
if not(self.standing):
if self.left:
screen.blit(walkLeft[self.walkcount//3], (self.x,self.y))
self.walkcount += 1
if self.gunisfired == True:
if self.guncount//5 >= len(ShootR):
self.guncount = 0
self.gunisfired == False
screen.blit(ShootR[self.guncount//5], (self.x,self.y))
self.guncount += 1
if self.right:
screen.blit(walkRight[self.walkcount//3], (self.x,self.y))
self.walkcount += 1
if self.gunisfired == True:
if self.guncount//5 >= len(ShootR):
self.guncount = 0
self.gunisfired == False
screen.blit(ShootR[self.guncount//5], (self.x,self.y))
self.guncount += 1
if self.left:
if self.isIdle == True:
if self.Idlecount//3 >= len(IdleL):
self.Idlecount = 0
self.isIdle == False
screen.blit(IdleL[self.Idlecount//3], (self.x,self.y))
self.Idlecount += 1
if self.gunisfired == True:
if self.guncount//5 >= len(ShootL):
self.guncount = 0
self.gunisfired == False
screen.blit(ShootL[self.guncount//5], (self.x,self.y))
self.guncount += 1
if self.Idlecount//3 >= len(IdleR):
self.Idlecount = 0
self.isIdle == False
screen.blit(IdleR[self.Idlecount//3], (self.x,self.y))
self.Idlecount += 1
if self.gunisfired == True:
if self.guncount//5 >= len(ShootR):
self.guncount = 0
self.gunisfired == False
screen.blit(ShootR[self.guncount//5], (self.x,self.y))
self.guncount += 1
and here is the code for the keyboard bindings
man = Player(300, 508, 64, 64)
run = True
while run:
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
run = False
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_LEFT] and man.x > man.velo:
man.x -= man.velo
man.right = False
man.left = True
man.Idlecount = 0
man.guncount = 0
man.gunisfired = False
man.standing = False
elif keys[pygame.K_RIGHT] and man.x < 600 - man.width - man.velo:
man.x += man.velo
man.right = True
man.left = False
man.Idlecount = 0
man.guncount = 0
man.gunisfired = False
man.standing = False
elif keys[pygame.K_SPACE]:
man.gunisfired = True
man.isIdle = False
man.standing = True
man.Idlecount = 0
man.walkcount = 0
man.isIdle = True
man.guncount = 0
man.gunisfired = False
man.standing = True
The ting is that the gun image is working when he is facing left but when it is right it seems to blit it with the forst image of the idle animation. can someone please help me.
if self.isIdle == True
is missing in the else case of the method draw
class Player(object):
# [...]
def draw(self, screen):
# [...]
if not(self.standing):
# [...]
if self.left:
# [...]
if self.isIdle == True: # <---- this is missing
if self.Idlecount//3 >= len(IdleR):
self.Idlecount = 0
self.isIdle == False
screen.blit(IdleR[self.Idlecount//3], (self.x,self.y))
self.Idlecount += 1
if self.gunisfired == True:
if self.guncount//5 >= len(ShootR):
self.guncount = 0
self.gunisfired == False
screen.blit(ShootR[self.guncount//5], (self.x,self.y))
self.guncount += 1