I want to return a Func middle of a using block. Should I worry about disposing of, before the user runs the result Func?
A sample code:
private IDbContextTransaction _transaction;
public Func<Task> BeginTransaction()
Task lockDispose = CommitTransaction();
using (_transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction())
return async() =>
await lockDispose;
Task.WaitAll(lockDispose); //This code is unreachable.
private async Task CommitTransaction()
await Task.CompletedTask;
Note that the execution time of the result Func is up to the user of this service.
I checked This Question and it's not my answer.
Since you want your user to be able to work with the connection between calling BeginTransaction
and CommitTransaction
, then the only thing you can do is to move disposal outside of this scope:
private IDbContextTransaction _transaction;
public Func<Task> BeginTransaction()
_transaction = _dbContext.Database.BeginTransaction()
return CommitTransaction;
private async Task CommitTransaction()
await Task.CompletedTask;
// I advice you implement IDisposable fully, but
// this will do for the sake of demonstration
public void Dispose()
And then somewhere outside you'll need to do something along the lines of:
using (var obj = TheWayYouInitializeYourObject())
var commit = obj.BeginTransaction();
await commit();
var commit = obj.BeginTransaction();
await commit();
Basically, your using
cannot span the gap in which your user works, so they'll have to do it on their own.
It is generally a good idea to make objects that have to work with disposables disposable as well.