I'm building a simple GUI application (in Tkinter) that, using youtube-dl, downloads YouTube videos. I know how to make it download the highest resolution, but I want to include a dropdown list that allows the user to pick the resolution in which they want to download the vid. I know how to make the actual list in the GUI, just not how to get youtube-dl to use that resolution (I only know I can use 'format': 'best'
Here use this:
import youtube_dl as yt
from tkinter import *
from tkinter import Tk, font, ttk
def display_options(*event):
ydl_opts = {}
resolutions = []
url = link.get()
valid = valid_link(url) # check the validity of link
if valid:
with yt.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
meta = ydl.extract_info(url, download=False)
formats = meta.get('formats', meta)
vid_title = meta.get('title', meta) # gets the title
title.config(text=f'Title: {vid_title}')
title.place(x=220, y=70)
for f in formats:
resolutions.append(f['format']) #filter to only formats
options['values'] = resolutions # sets combobox values to available resolutions
error.config(text='Invalid link', fg='red')
error.place(x=150, y=210)
def valid_link(link): # function to check validity of the link
extractors = yt.extractor.gen_extractors()
for e in extractors:
if e.suitable(link) and e.IE_NAME != 'generic':
return True
return False
def download():
res = option_lst.get()
if res != 'resolution':
res = int(res[:res.find('-')].strip())
ydl_opts = {'format': f'{res}',
'outtmpl': r'C:\yourPath\%(title)s.%(ext)s'} # specify your download path here
url = link.get()
with yt.YoutubeDL(ydl_opts) as ydl:
error.config(text='Invalid resolution', fg='red')
error.place(x=150, y=210)
def hide():
root = Tk()
root.title('YouTube Downloader')
link = StringVar()
option_lst = StringVar()
link.trace('w', display_options)
link_here = Label(root, text="Paste Here", font=(30))
title = Label(root, text='')
title.place(x=220, y=230)
error = Label(root, text='')
error.place(x=220, y=210)
options = ttk.Combobox(root, textvariable=option_lst, state="readonly")
options.place(x=300, y=210)
pasted = Entry(root,width=60,textvariable=link)
Button(root,text="Download Video", width=20, bg="black", fg="gray", command=download).place(x=250,y=170)
You may further improve this if you want.