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Pandas string operations (extract and findall)

Here are 2 examples on string operation methods from Python data science handbook, that I am having troubles understanding.

  1. str.extract()
monte = pd.Series(['Graham Chapman', 'John Cleese', 'Terry Gilliam',
                              'Eric Idle', 'Terry Jones', 'Michael Palin'])

This operation returns the first name of each element in the Series. I don't get the expression input in the extract function.

  1. str.findall()

This operation returns the original element if it starts and ends with consonants, returns an empty list otherwise. I figure that the ^ operator stands for negation of vowels. * operator combines the situations of upper and lower cases of vowels. Yet I do not understand the rest of the operators.

Please help me with understanding these input expressions. Thanks in advance.


  • The first ^ means in the beginning of the string, whereas $ means in the end of the string, here is an example:

    >>> import re
    >>> s = 'a123a'
    >>> re.findall('^a', s)

    This only prints one a because I have the ^ sign which only finds in the begging of the string.

    This is the same for $, $ only finds stuff from the end of the string, here is an example:

    >>> import re
    >>> s = 'a123a'
    >>> re.findall('a$', s)


    The meaning of r is a raw string. Raw string it is what it looks like. For example, a backslash \ doesn't escape, it will just be a regular backslash.