I am making tic tac toe in android studio on kotlin, I am new at this, I complete everything but i want to make that if none of combinations matchs then write on screen that it's draw but i cant write some logic or i missed something:
this is draw function code:
private fun draw() {
if (!firstPLayer.contains(1) && !firstPLayer.contains(2) && !firstPLayer.contains(3)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(1) && !secondPLayer.contains(2) && !secondPLayer.contains(3)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(4) && !firstPLayer.contains(5) && !firstPLayer.contains(6)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(4) && !secondPLayer.contains(5) && !secondPLayer.contains(6)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(7) && !firstPLayer.contains(8) && !firstPLayer.contains(9)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(7) && !secondPLayer.contains(8) && !secondPLayer.contains(9)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(1) && !firstPLayer.contains(4) && !firstPLayer.contains(7)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(1) && !secondPLayer.contains(4) && !secondPLayer.contains(7)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(2) && !firstPLayer.contains(5) && !firstPLayer.contains(8)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(2) && !secondPLayer.contains(5) && !secondPLayer.contains(8)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(3) && !firstPLayer.contains(6) && !firstPLayer.contains(9)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(3) && !secondPLayer.contains(6) && !secondPLayer.contains(9)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(1) && !firstPLayer.contains(5) && !firstPLayer.contains(9)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(1) && !secondPLayer.contains(5) && !secondPLayer.contains(9)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!firstPLayer.contains(3) && !firstPLayer.contains(5) && !firstPLayer.contains(7)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
if (!secondPLayer.contains(3) && !secondPLayer.contains(5) && !secondPLayer.contains(7)) {
resultView.text = "Draw!"
so, I am saying that if there isn't this combinations of number in lists, write "draw" in resultView but it shows draw on first click on any button. why?
The following assumes that playerOne
and playerTwo
are List<Int>
s containing which of the nine squares from 1-9 the players have placed marks in.
Any time you see that you're copy-pasting code more than once (like resultView.text = "Draw!"
and all the similar-looking if statements), you should rethink the design to simplify it.
I would create a collection of all possible win conditions:
private val winConditions = listOf(
listOf(1, 2, 3),
listOf(4, 5, 6),
listOf(7, 8, 9),
listOf(1, 4, 7),
listOf(2, 5, 8),
listOf(3, 6, 9),
listOf(1, 5, 9),
listOf(3, 5, 7),
Then each time a player makes a mark, you can check if either player won. If neither player won and nine moves have been made, the game is a draw.
// In a function called right after a player makes a move:
when {
winConditions.any { playerOne.containsAll(it) } -> showPlayerOneWins()
winConditions.any { playerTwo.containsAll(it) } -> showPlayerTwoWins()
playerOne.size + playerTwo.size == 9 -> showGameIsDraw()
else -> startNextPlayerTurn()
To get more fancy, you could have it only check the player who just made a move. That might make sense if it was a complicated algorithm to determine the winner, but Tic Tac Toe is trivial so I think it's just simpler to simply check them both so you can use the same code without extra parameters.