I have a line of a Fortran code, e.g.,
!$omp do private(aa, bb, cc) schedule(dynamic) reduction(+:alpha, beta, gamma)
Suppose this line contains several arguments and the length exceeds 132 characters, gfortran will lead to error message. I tried to use &
to break the line. But I am not sure how to start the next line. As other case, directly start the next line without !
leads to Error: Syntax error in OpenMP variable list at (1)
How to break the 132 characters limit for omp line?
You can write multiline omp statements by ending with &
and staring a newline with $omp
!$omp do private(aa, bb, cc) &
!$omp schedule(dynamic) &
!$omp reduction(+:alpha, beta, gamma)
!$omp end do