Solved: Check the void SendInputString( std::wstring &str)
function in this answer
I am developing an executable in C++ which can be given a string as a command-line parameter and it will be typed emulating the keyboard; using keypresses.
In the format on command line:
{program name} {string to reproduce} {time between individual keypresses in ms}
This is my code:
#define WINVER 0x0500
#include <windows.h>
void chartype(char x , INPUT &input, unsigned int pause_time){;
//Verifies character and allots the key to the keyboard
//cout<<x; //Old check code
//To send input
int main(int argc , char** argv){
//Initializing a GUI Keyboard Set
INPUT input;
//Assigning Input Variables
string str = argv[1];
size_t n = str.size();
unsigned int pause_time = stoi(argv[2]);
//Sending individual string characters
for(size_t i =0 ; i<n ; ++i){
chartype(str[i] , input , pause_time);
//Shutting Keyboard;
SendInput(1, &input,sizeof(INPUT));
return 0;
However, the string is not exactly executed. For example if I input the string PASS_INPUT
, it renders pass-input
. Also, the output is sensitive to whether or not Caps Lock is on or not.
I assume it is happening because it only kind of emulates pressing the specific key on the keyboard, and thus assumes a default value, however I want it to present exact outputs, such as %9Xa{
to give %9Xa{
and not 59xa[
which is happening presently.
I am sorry if I could not frame the question well enough. I am new to this keyboard emulation, and am not able to exactly understand what to do.
I would like to know what modification should be made to render the string as expected.
Can use the function SendInputString( std::wstring &str)
from this answer