I am looking at a list of strings that are space separated. I am trying to find parts of string that contain a lower case "n" letter that is not next to an uppercase letter, then remove the lowercase "n" and any adjacent letter/number. Example:
before = ["23n 5T R3",
"4T 3R 2+ 2-",
"-2 +3RF n3",
"Nn1 L9 3+ n",
"un2 L0 -9 e"]
I am trying to get an output as:
after = ["5T R3",
"4T 3R 2+ 2-",
"-2 +3RF",
"Nn1 O9 3+",
"L0 -9 e"]
I am not exactly sure how to go about starting this regex condition. Apologies if its a bit tough one.
You can use negative lookbehind to acheive it.
Demo: https://regex101.com/r/HKi4tp/2
Pattern: \b\S*(?<![A-Z])n\S*\b ?
and \S*\b
: Match any no of non-space characters at start and end of word. (Note: Based on your need, \S
can be replaced with \w
or [a-zA-Z0-9]
: match n
not preceded by [A-Z]
: match an optional space after the word