I'm trying to read this txt:
Fecha dia mes ano hora min
03/06/2016 00:00 3 6 2016 0 0
03/06/2016 00:05 3 6 2016 0 5
03/06/2016 00:10 3 6 2016 0 10
03/06/2016 00:15 3 6 2016 0 15
03/06/2016 00:20 3 6 2016 0 20
03/06/2016 00:25 3 6 2016 0 25
03/06/2016 00:30 3 6 2016 0 30
03/06/2016 00:35 3 6 2016 0 35
03/06/2016 00:40 3 6 2016 0 40
03/06/2016 00:45 3 6 2016 0 45
03/06/2016 00:50 3 6 2016 0 50
03/06/2016 00:55 3 6 2016 0 55
03/06/2016 01:00 3 6 2016 1 0
With the following code:
program fecha
implicit none
integer, dimension(13):: dia, mes, ano, hora, minuto
character*50 :: formato = '(11x,5x,1x,i1,1x,i1,1x,i4,1x,i1,1x,i2)'
open (unit = 10, file = 'datos.txt')
read(unit = 10, fmt = formato) dia, mes, ano, hora, minuto
write(*,*) dia
end program
Why this code read 'dia' in this way:
3 6 2016 0 0 3 6 2016 0 5 3 6 2016
(I know how it's reading but not why)
You need to skip two lines at the beginning as well as reading the values line by line.
The following example is a slight modification of your program which runs smoothly.
program fecha
implicit none
integer :: i, iounit
integer, parameter :: n = 13
integer, dimension(n) :: dia, mes, ano, hora, minuto
open (newunit = iounit, file = 'datos.txt')
read (iounit, *)
read (iounit, *)
do i = 1, n
read (unit = iounit, fmt = '(16x, i5, i4, i7, 2i5)') dia(i), mes(i), ano(i), hora(i), minuto(i)
print *, dia(i), mes(i), ano(i), hora(i), minuto(i)
end do
close (iounit)
end program
My output is
$ gfortran -g3 -Wall -fcheck=all a.f90 && ./a.out
3 6 2016 0 0
3 6 2016 0 5
3 6 2016 0 10
3 6 2016 0 15
3 6 2016 0 20
3 6 2016 0 25
3 6 2016 0 30
3 6 2016 0 35
3 6 2016 0 40
3 6 2016 0 45
3 6 2016 0 50
3 6 2016 0 55
3 6 2016 1 0