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Setting fixed value when counting observations

Goal: To create a variable named 'duration'--to count the number of months the 'previous month's value (0 or 1)' was consistent, (a) only when there are at least 3 consecutive observations in the past for a given month and (b) counting as '0' when the previous month's value was 1.

For instance, a sample structure of the data looks like:

structure(list(group = c(1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 1, 2, 2, 
2, 2, 2, 2, 2), month = c(2, 4, 5, 6, 7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 
7, 10, 11, 12, 13, 14, 15), value= c(NA, 0, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 
0, 0, 0, NA, 1, 1, 0, 0, 0, 1)), class = "data.frame", row.names = c(NA, 
-17L), codepage = 65001L) 

The end result would look like (creating the new variable, 'duration'):

║ group ║ month ║ value ║ 'duration' ║                              explanation                              ║
║   1   ║   2   ║   na  ║     na     ║                                                                       ║
║   1   ║   4   ║   0   ║     na     ║ There is no consecutive month in the past for this month              ║
║   1   ║   5   ║   1   ║     na     ║ There is only 1 consecutive month in the past (4) for this month      ║
║   1   ║   6   ║   1   ║     na     ║ There are only 2 consecutive months in the past (5, 6) for this month ║
║   1   ║   7   ║   0   ║      0     ║ The previous month's value is 1, so the duration becomes 0            ║
║   1   ║   10  ║   0   ║     na     ║ There is no consecutive month in the past for this month              ║
║   1   ║   11  ║   0   ║     na     ║ There is only 1 consecutive month in the past (10) for this month     ║
║   1   ║   12  ║   0   ║     na     ║ There is only 2 consecutive months in the past (10, 11)               ║
║   1   ║   13  ║   0   ║      3     ║ The previous month's (month 12) value (0) is consistent for 3 months  ║
║   1   ║   14  ║   0   ║      4     ║ The previous month's (month 13) value (0) is consistent for 4 months  ║
║   2   ║   7   ║   na  ║     na     ║                                                                       ║
║   2   ║   10  ║   1   ║     na     ║ There is no consecutive month in the past                             ║
║   2   ║   11  ║   1   ║     na     ║ There is only 1 consecutive month in the past                         ║
║   2   ║   12  ║   0   ║     na     ║ There is only 2 consecutive months in the past                        ║
║   2   ║   13  ║   0   ║      1     ║ The previous month's (month 12) value (0) is consistent for 1 month   ║
║   2   ║   14  ║   0   ║      2     ║ The previous month's (month 13) value (0) is consistent for 2 months  ║
║   2   ║   15  ║   1   ║      3     ║ The previous month's (month 14) value (0) is consistent for 3 months  ║

What I have tried applying was (courtesy of @Will):

sample[, month_consecutive := NA]
sample[, value_stable_rows := unlist(lapply(sample[, rle(value), by = group]$length, seq))]
sample[, month_consecutive := unlist(lapply(sample[, rle(diffinv(diff(month) != 1)), by = group]$lengths, seq))]
sample[, value_stable_rows := shift(value_stable_rows, type = "lag"), by = group]
sample[, month_consecutive := shift(month_consecutive, type = "lag"), by = group]

sample[, duration := ifelse(value_stable_rows < month_consecutive , value_stable_rows, month_consecutive)]
sample[, month_lag1 := shift(month, n = 1)]
sample[, month_lag2 := shift(month, n = 2)]
sample[, month_lag3 := shift(month, n = 3)]
sample[!((month - month_lag1 == 1) & (month_lag1 - month_lag2 == 1) & (month_lag2 - month_lag3 == 1)), duration := NA]
sample[, .(group, month, value, duration )]

The above code meets 'Goal(a)' but not 'Goal(b)'. I wanted to ask your advice on what could be added to operationalize counting as '0' when the previous month's value was 1.


  • For the second case, specify the logical expression in i i.e. check for rows where there is a non-NA in 'duration' and the previous 'value' (shift) is 1, then assign 'duration' to 0

    out <- sample[, .(group, month, value, duration )]
    out[! & shift(value) == 1, duration := 0]


    #    group month value duration
    # 1:     1     2    NA       NA
    # 2:     1     4     0       NA
    # 3:     1     5     1       NA
    # 4:     1     6     1       NA
    # 5:     1     7     0        0
    # 6:     1    10     0       NA
    # 7:     1    11     0       NA
    # 8:     1    12     0       NA
    # 9:     1    13     0        3
    #10:     1    14     0        4
    #11:     2     7    NA       NA
    #12:     2    10     1       NA
    #13:     2    11     1       NA
    #14:     2    12     0       NA
    #15:     2    13     0        1
    #16:     2    14     0        2
    #17:     2    15     1        3