I'm new to Pygame, and I just started working on a Pong Game. The following code hasn't been finished yet, but for some reason, the ball won't move. It only works if I set the "ball_draw = pygame..." inside the "draw_ball" method, instead of the initializing method. However, if I do that, I can't use the "wallCollision" method in the class because the "ball_draw" would be a local variable and not an attribute of the whole class and therefore, not accessible in other methods. How can I fix this? I appreciate your help.
import pygame, sys
clock = pygame.time.Clock()
screen_width = 1280
screen_height = 960
bgColor = pygame.Color("grey12")
lightGrey = (200, 200, 200)
screen = pygame.display.set_mode((screen_width, screen_height))
pygame.display.set_caption("Pong Game")
class BALL:
def __init__(self):
self.ball_width = 30
self.ball_height = 30
self.ball_x = screen_width/2 - self.ball_width
self.ball_y = screen_height/2 - self.ball_height
self.ball_speed_x = 7
self.ball_speed_y = 7
self.ball_draw = pygame.Rect(self.ball_x, self.ball_y, self.ball_width, self.ball_height)
def draw_ball(self):
pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, lightGrey, self.ball_draw)
def move_ball(self):
self.ball_x += self.ball_speed_x
self.ball_y += self.ball_speed_y
def wallCollision(self):
if self.ball_draw.bottom >= screen_height:
self.ball_speed_y *= -1
if self.ball_draw.top <= 0:
self.ball_speed_y *= -1
if self.ball_draw.left <= 0:
self.ball_speed_x *= -1
if self.ball_draw.right >= screen_width:
self.ball_speed_x *= -1
class PLAYER1:
def __init__(self):
self.player1_width = 10
self.player1_height = 140
self.player1_x = screen_width - 20
self.player1_y = screen_height/2 - 70
def draw_player1(self):
player1_draw = pygame.Rect(self.player1_x, self.player1_y, self.player1_width, self.player1_height)
pygame.draw.rect(screen, lightGrey, player1_draw)
def move_player1(self):
keys = pygame.key.get_pressed()
if keys[pygame.K_UP] and self.player1_y >= 0:
self.player1_y -= 5
if keys[pygame.K_DOWN] and self.player1_y <= screen_height:
self.player1_y += 5
ball = BALL()
player1 = PLAYER1()
while True:
# Checking for events
for event in pygame.event.get():
if event.type == pygame.QUIT:
# Drawing on screen
# Movement and Collisions
# Updating screen
# Defining 60 frames per second (FPS)
You use the rectangle attribute self.ball_draw
to draw the ball. Hence, if you move the ball and change the self.ball_x
and self.ball_y
attributes, you need to update the rectangle:
class BALL:
# [...]
def draw_ball(self):
pygame.draw.ellipse(screen, lightGrey, self.ball_draw)
def move_ball(self):
self.ball_x += self.ball_speed_x
self.ball_y += self.ball_speed_y
self.ball_draw.topleft = (self.ball_x, self.ball_y)