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How to define "URL Query String Parameters" for "Integration Request" on API Gateway via Cloud Development Kit (CDK)

I'm having issues finding examples on how to create "URL Query String Parameters" for "Integration Request" on API Gateway via Cloud Development Kit (CDK). Most examples I find are for lambda (I don't need this) not REST (I need this), and even those don't cover the integration requests.

I'm creating the api definition via aws-apigateway.SpecRestAPI.

const api = new apiGateway.SpecRestApi(this, 'my-api', {
      apiDefinition: apiGateway.ApiDefinition.fromInline(openApiDefinition),

I'm not sure I'm even tying the integration to the API.

How do I tie the integration to the API and how do I map the integration request like I can through the GUI?

I've tried exporting a manually configured API Gateway but it doesn't include any information about where to perform the translation.

Let me know if I need to add more information and thanks in advance!


  • If using ApiDefinition.fromInline then the request mapping goes in the OpenAPI file. See and

    The "requestParameters" goes under the x-amazon-apigateway-integration node. If you don't know how to get an OpenAPI spec then create the API and integration like you normally would then export the file via

    Also to map the integration to another AWS service (in my case SNS) I wasn't specifying the API object when instantiating the integration. Below is a working example of that.

    const api = new apiGateway.SpecRestApi(this, 'my-api', {
          apiDefinition: apiGateway.ApiDefinition.fromInline(openApiDefinition)
    const snsIntegration = new apiGateway.AwsIntegration(
        proxy: false,
        service: "sns",
        action: "PutItem",

    Also if you run into issues with "Invalid mapping expression parameter specified" make sure you define the parameter in BOTH the method request AND the integration request.

    A SUPER stripped down version of the OpenAPI file is below:

            - name: "TopicArn"
              in: "query"
              required: true
                type: "string"
            requestParameters : {
              integration.request.querystring.TopicArn : "method.request.header.TopicArn",
              integration.request.querystring.Message : "method.request.body",