I'm not too familiar with ggplot but it looks better than what I've been getting with plot_ly I'm having trouble getting a trendline for each factor of the series. The trendlines just don't show up in the generated graph
Here is the code I've been working with
ggplot(subset(df,FACTOR %in% c("1","2")), aes(x= DUR, y= TEMP, color=FACTOR)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(data=subset(df, FACTOR=="1"), method=lm , se=FALSE) +
geom_smooth(data=subset(df, FACTOR=="2"), method=lm , se=FALSE) +
xlab("Duration (min)") +
ylab('Change in Temperature (C)')
My df looks like this
# # 1
# # 1
# # 2
# # 3
# # 4
... ... ...
try to add the factor as group in the aes statement and for drawing with one geom_smooth call all you need (not sure if method should be "lm" instead of only lm):
ggplot(subset(df,GROUP %in% c("1","2")), aes(x= DUR, y= TEMP, color=FACTOR, group = FACTOR)) +
geom_point() +
geom_smooth(method=lm , se=FALSE) +
xlab("Duration (min)") +
ylab('Change in Temperature (C)')
Not sure why you filter bey "GROUP" in subset - should be FACTOR from what I understand of your code and data snipped