I want to create a string append function, but when I want to print the function out it crash. I debugged it but I cannot find what could be the problem.
struct string {
size_t length;
size_t allocated;
char* data;
string* Init(char* str) {
string* s = malloc(sizeof(string));
size_t strLen = strlen(str);
s->data = (char*)malloc(strLen*2); //allocate 2x of the length
s->data[strLen] = '\0';
s->length = strLen;
s->allocated = 2*strLen;
return s;
void AppendBack(string* str, string* new) {
if(str->allocated < str->length + new->length) { //allocate more
char* data = (char*)realloc(strGet(str),str->allocated*2);
str->allocated = str->allocated*2;
str->data = data;
if(str->allocated < str->length + new->length) { //need more allocation
str->length = str->length + new->length;
for(int i = new->length; i >= 0; --i) {
str->data[str->length - i] = new->data[new->length - i];
str->data[str->length] = '\0';
int main() {
string* a = Init("abc");
string* b = Init("1234fedfsdffghjkjhgfds3ghjk7345678juhzbfsdfsd");
return 0;
Edited code:
char* strGet(string* str) {
return str->data;
void strPrint(string* str) {
I am sorry becuase I missed part of my code.
You have two bugs:
You need to allocate an extra byte for the terminating zero.
You need to return after calling AppendBack
recursively or you corrupt the string.
Here's working code:
void AppendBack(string* str, string* new) {
if(str->allocated < (str->length + new->length + 1)) { // NOTE: +1
char* data = (char*)realloc(str->data,str->allocated*2); // removed call to strGet
str->allocated = str->allocated*2;
str->data = data;
if(str->allocated < (str->length + new->length + 1)) { // NOTE: +1
return; // NOTE: return here
str->length = str->length + new->length;
for(int i = new->length; i >= 0; --i) {
str->data[str->length - i] = new->data[new->length - i];
str->data[str->length] = '\0'; // See? You need an extra byte for this
I removed the call to strGet
because you didn't show us that code.