I am running a Lua program on a Windows 10 machine. This Windows 10 computer is networked to another Windows 10 computer and this other computer is sharing its D: drive with my computer. The shared drive is called the O: drive by my computer.
When I open a cmd window on my computer and type:
type "O:\Data\config\file.xml"
I get the contents of file.xml in my cmd window. However, if I run this same command through Lua:
f = io.popen([["type O:\Data\config\file.xml"]])
output = f:read("*l")
Then output
returns as nil
This behavior is true of any command involving the shared O: drive, not just type
. Similarly, I have some bat scripts that reference the O: drive, and I call these using os.execute
, but they are not able to accomplish their task (I can see they are actually executing, just not correctly). However, if I run similar commands or scripts with the local D: or C: drives, I do not have this issue.
Any ideas as to what could be different between these two calls? Is there a different way I can call the O: drive?
My Lua application was running as a service, and I determined that when it was running as a service it was running as a 'guest' user, rather than my system user. Therefore, it did not have the appropriate permissions to run.
I modified my Windows service to run as my specific user, and this resolved the issue.