I have the following two arrays meanA and stdA. I want to combine them and generate a third array C.
meanA = [86.6,87.2,85.4,86.6,83.0,87.2,92.7,80.0,86.6,87.8,89.0,87.8]
stdA = [0.08, 3.1,0.08,2.5,0.1,3.1,1.2,0.4,1.2,1.2,0.0,3.7]
I want to combine these two arrays using a format specifier as "%.2f+/-%.2f%%"
and generate a third array C. I am writing it in python as C = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA , stdA)
. But, this is giving me an error as TypeError: only size-1 arrays can be converted to Python scalars
I know this operation can be possible only on scalars. But, I want to know can we do this on arrays as well. I want to avoid writing the same line multiple times as below.
C[0] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[0] , stdA[0])
C[1] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[1] , stdA[1])
C[2] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[2] , stdA[2])
C[3] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[3] , stdA[3])
C[4] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[4] , stdA[4])
C[5] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[5] , stdA[5])
C[6] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[6] , stdA[6])
C[7] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[7] , stdA[7])
C[8] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[8] , stdA[8])
C[9] = "%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (meanA[9] , stdA[9])
I want the following output C= [86.6+/-0.08, 87.2+/-3.1, 85.4+/-0.08, 86.6+/-2.5, 83.0+/-0.1, 87.2+/-3.1, 92.7+/-1.2, 80.0+/-0.4, 86.6+/-1.2, 87.8+/-1.2, 89.0+/-0.0, 87.8+/-3.7]
Does anyone know the simplest way to do this in a single line of code?
Thank you in advance!
Feed individual elements into a string converter:
["%.2f+/-%.2f%%" % (a, b) for a, b in zip(meanA, stdA)]
It looks a bit cleaner with f-strings:
[f'{a:.2f}+-{b:.2f}%' for a, b in zip(meanA, stdA)]