I want to return a JSON object while getting data from DataTable of Sql Command.
Here is my method:
private static JSON ExecuteDatatableJSON(SqlCommand sqlCommand, int timeoutInSecs = 30)
DataTable dt = null;
JSON json = null;
dt = ExecuteDatatable(sqlCommand);
catch(Exception ex)
throw new Exception(ex.Message + ", Method: " + (new StackFrame().GetMethod().Name), ex);
json = JsonConvert.SerializeObject(dt); // this is the line causing issue
return json;
It requires to have DTO class with required number of properties and then loop over the Dto to bind the datatable fields with DTO properties.
here is the example code
product = new Product
title = dataTable.Rows[0]["ItemName"].ToString(),
body_html = dataTable.Rows[0]["BodyHtml"].ToString(),
vendor = dataTable.Rows[0]["Vendor"].ToString(),
product_type = dataTable.Rows[0]["ProductType"].ToString(),
variants = new Variant[1],
images = new Image[1]