My database (PostgreSQL 11) has a function that must be called to execute an action. The return is not important, as long as there's no error. This function has arguments that must be passed as parameters.
I cannot directly use TFDConnection.ExecSQL
because I use parameters of type array that is not supported by the method (to my knowledge). So, I use TFDQuery.ExecSQL
like this:
msql1: = 'DO $$ BEGIN PERFORM DoIt (:id,:items); END $$; ';
{... create FDQuery (fq), set connection, set SQL.Text to msql1}
fq.Params.ParamByName ('id'). AsInteger: = 1;
{$ REGION 'items'}
fq.ParamByName ('items'). DataType: = ftArray;
fq.ParamByName ('items'). ArrayType: = atTable; // Must be atTable, not atArray
if length (items)> 0 then
fq.ParamByName ('items'). ArraySize: = length (items);
for it: = 0 to length (items) -1 do
fq.ParamByName ('items'). AsIntegers [it]: = items [it];
When executing the above code, the error above message raises
"Parameter 'id' not found".
After some research that suggested using fq.Params.ParamByName
I was also unsuccessful.
However, if you change the way the function is called to
select DoIt (:id,:items);
and obviously replacing the execution with fq.Open
works perfectly.
Is it possible to execute a PL / pgSQL block that contains parameters in the function called by this block using TFDConnection / TFDQuery?
PS: I'm using Delphi Rio 10.3.3
When you assign a value to TFDQuery.
SQL, FireDAC does some pre-processing of the SQL based on various options. ResourceOptions.CreateParams
option controls whether parameters should be processed. This is enabled by default.
The preprocessor recognizes string literals in your SQL and doesn't try to look for the parameters in them. You used dollar quoted string constant and that's why FireDAC doesn't recognize parameters in it. Even if you add parameter manually I think that FireDAC would not bind the value.
With that said, the proper way to execute stored procedures/function is to use TFDStoredProc
. You just assign StoredProcName
and call its Prepare
method which will retrieve procedure's metadata (parameters) from database so you don't need to set ArrayType
or DataType
of the parameter.
In your code you set the DataType
to ftArray
which is wrong, because in case of array parameter it should be set to array's element type. Anyway, by setting fq.ParamByName ('items').AsIntegers
you effectively set parameter's DataType
to ftInteger
. All you need to do is to set ArraySize
Here's what you should do instead:
procedure DoIt(Connection: TFDConnection; ID: Integer; const Items: TArray<Integer>);
StoredProc: TFDStoredProc;
ParamItems: TFDParam;
Index: Integer;
StoredProc := TFDStoredProc.Create(nil);
StoredProc.Connection := Connection;
StoredProc.StoredProcName := 'DoIt';
StoredProc.Params.ParamByName('id').AsInteger := ID;
if Length(Items) > 0 then
ParamItems := StoredProc.Params.ParamByName('items');
ParamItems.ArraySize := Length(Items);
for Index := Low(Items) to High(Items) do
ParamItems.AsIntegers[Index] := Items[Index];
Alternatively you can use ExecFunc
to get the result of stored function.