My question then, is how do I modify the connection string to cater for the particulars that my firewall is expecting?
This one is a little bit of a compound issue.
.I'm no ftplib guru, but this is what I have worked out so far:
import ftplib
from dateutil import parser
host_proxy = 'our.proxy.internal'
host_port = 8021
ftp_user = 'username'
ftp_pass = 'password'
ftp_host = ''
u = "user %s@%s" % (ftp_user, ftp_host)
p = "pass %s" % (ftp_pass)
ftp = ftplib.FTP(host_proxy, host_port, u, p)
This setup fails with an error: ConnectionRefusedError No connection could be made because the target machine actively refused it.
This is progress!
The Filezilla custom FTP proxy setup is as follows:
user %u@%h
pass %p
%u = ftp_user
%h = ftp_host
%p = ftp_pass
Proxy Host = our.proxy.internal
The split across 2 lines is important, apparently.
This works, for the scenario posted:
import ftplib
from dateutil import parser
#proxy details
host_proxy = 'organisation.silly.proxy'
host_port = 8021
#ftp details
ftp_user = 'ftpusername'
ftp_pass = 'ftppassword'
ftp_host = ''
ftp_loginstring = ftp_user + "@" + ftp_host
ftp = FTP()
ftp.connect(host_proxy, host_port)
ftp.login(user=ftp_loginstring, passwd=ftp_pass)
print("Logged in ok")