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Datasets not exported/available from my R package

Following advice about NAMESPACE and External Data formatting/setup, I have:

A. My data files in mypackage/data/datafilename.RData

folder list of data files

B. The data script as mypackage/R/data.R with data files individually named and described within that one file, having just changed "itemize" to "describe" and changing the format of those item lines:

data.r screenshot

C. I've document()-ed this, commit-pushed to github, and install_github reinstalled locally.

Help for the data files works:

help screenshot

But I can't access those data, whereas I can access data in other packages using the same method:

data load fail

Can anyone think why this would be? NAMESPACE doesn't include these as exports:


But it's autogenerated by document() so that's arguably out of my control. By comparison, mapplots' NAMESPACE has exportPattern(".")

Environment for the package also doesn't include them, but I don't know if this is expected or not, based on lazy loading (which is true):


Any ideas welcome. I've tried data( with 1, 2 & 3 colons, to no avail. Based on the answer to this related question (also by me), I get the suspicion that there might be some issue whereby only the last named object in data.R is important/accessible?

usethis has been created since I've been updating this package and has use_data and create_package but I'm reluctant to try these out since ostensibly everything in my package should already be in order and I don't want to make things worse.

Thanks in advance. Reprex would be


Edit: to add to this, the datasets available in the installed package are a combo of the full list, some individual, some named in datalist:


Which contrasts against what's in the working folder and github:

github data folder

As far as I can see, all the data files are the same format, e.g. when doubleclicked in file explorer they open in RStudio with the right name and same format. file is here. Per the last image, the three data files listed in datalist can be loaded in R with library( data(Juveniles), but the other three data files can't. If I delete/rename the existing datalist from /data and generate a new one with add_datalist(pkgname = getwd()), a new file is generated but again it only lists those 3 files, not all 6.

Ugh, goddamn it. Found the issue. The 3 'bad' files had "Rdata" extensions while the 3 good ones had "RData" extensions. Lower case vs capital D. How unbelievably annoying.


  • Data files in data must have .RData extensions, not .Rdata

    Bug filed here.