I am trying to limit the number of rows displayed in a table filtered using django-filter and build by django-tables2. I did not find anything here or in the docs (I don't want to use pagination). I know I can slice the queryset but I also want to have the table sortable and can't figure out how to do both.
This is my views.py:
def filtered_table(request):
f = itemFilter(request.GET, queryset=ItemModel.objects.all())
has_filter = any(field in request.GET for field in set(f.get_fields()))
table = None
if has_filter:
if not request.GET.get('sort'):
table = ItemTable(f.qs, order_by='-timestamp')
table = ItemTable(f.qs, order_by=request.GET.get('sort'))
return render(request, 'itemlist/filteredlist.html', {
'itemtable': table,
'filter': f,
I tried to slice the queryset before passing it to the table:
table = ItemTable(f.qs.order_by('-timestamp')[:20])
table = ItemTable(f.qs.order_by(request.GET.get('sort'))[:20])
Resulting in:
AssertionError: Cannot reorder a query once a slice has been taken.
Because django-tables2 calls .order_by() again. Is there a way to configure django-tables2 or manipulate the queryset to limit the displayed rows?
Update: I tried as suggested, which does not work with my database:
This version of MariaDB doesn't yet support 'LIMIT & IN/ALL/ANY/SOME subquery'
With a slight change this works for me:
f_qs = ItemModel.objects.filter(id__in=list(f_qs_ids))
I think this will now do two queries on the database but that is not a problem for me.
Thank you for answering and pointing me in the right direction. Much appriciated!
This is a bit of a round about way to get there, but you could use your original QuerySet (f.qs), and then take a slice of the obj ids, and then re-filter the original QuerySet with those ids.
# get the 20 ids for the objects you want
f_qs_ids = f.qs.order_by(request.GET.get('sort')).values_list("id", flat=True)[:20]
# create a new queryset by also filtering on the set of 20 ids
f_qs = f.qs.filter(id__in=f_qs_ids)
# pass a legitimate queryset to the table
table = PassTable(f_qs)