Pardon me, I'm just starting to look into reactive-banana and FRP.
The author of reactive-banana made this example per my suggestion, in which he creates a counter which can be increased and decreased. He uses accumE function which accumulates events. I think I was able to somewhat grok the Event type, and was able to test quite a few things with it, but then I remembered that there was also Behavior. I looked into it, but it seems like the behavior is meant to be used in similar situations; to modify an existing variable, just like accumE does with events.
What does Behavior mean, and what are the use cases for it?
Semantically, you have
Behavior a = Time -> a
That is, a Behavior a
is a value of type a
that varies over time. In general, you know nothing at all about when a Behavior a
would change, so it turns out to be a rather poor choice for updating a text field on the click of a button. That said, it would be easy to get a behavior that expresses the current value of the number in the counter example. Just use stepper
on the event stream, or alternatively, build it from scratch the same way, except by using accumB
instead of accumE
Typically, things you hook up to input and output will always be Event
s, so Behavior
is used internally for intermediate results.
Suppose that in the given example, you want to add a new button that remembers the current value, like the memory function on simple calculators. You would start out by adding a memory button and a text field for the remembered value:
bmem <- button f [text := "Remember"]
memory <- staticText f []
You need to be able to ask for the current value at any time, so in your network, you'd add a behavior to represent it.
let currentVal = stepper 0 counter
Then you can hook up events, and use apply
to read the value of the behavior every time the Remember button is pressed, and produce an Event with that sequence of values.
emem <- event0 bmem command
let memoryE = apply (const <$> currentVal) emem
And finally, hook up this new event to the output
sink memory [text :== ("", show <$> memoryE)]
If you wanted to use memory internally, then again you'd want a Behavior
for its current value too... but since we only ever use it to connect it to an output, we only need an event for now.
Does that help?