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how to brew install --cask to /Applications

All of my other apps install to /Applications (which is what I want), but the installs to ~/Applications instead. I tried brew reinstall --cask --appdir /Applications itch, but that just reinstalled it to ~/Applications. Any advice? Thanks.


  • You can view the cask script of itch by running:

    brew cask edit itch

    You will see:

    cask "itch" do
      version "1.18.0"
      sha256 "cfc76d52483d3e649026f29ddb6f136207964ea54eee996ee62a7a4e17326e05"
      url "{version}/archive/default",
          verified: ""
      appcast ""
      name ""
      homepage ""
      installer script: "itch-setup"
      uninstall delete: [
        "~/Library/Application Support/itch-setup/",
                quit:   "io.itch.mac"
      zap trash: [
        "~/Library/Application Support/itch/",

    The folder ~/Application is defined only in the uninstall section. It means that it's itch itself that define ~/Application as its installation directory. You can maybe hack itch to change that but you cannot change this at the Homebrew level.