I have installed google datastore emulator in my local machine along with it written a sample spring boot application which performs crud operations on datastore. When i hit the rest endpoints through postman i can actually see the data gets inserted in datastore in gcp console
can someone help me by clearing below queries:
1>Even though using an emulator in local , whether data gets inserted to actual datastore in cloud (gcp)
2>what is the purpose of emulator (if qn 1 is correct)
The emulator simulates Datastore by creating /WEB-INF/appengine-generated/local_db.bin in a specified data directory and storing data in local_db.bin. By default, the emulator uses the data directory ~/.config/gcloud/emulators/datastore/. The local_db.bin file persists between sessions of the emulator. You can set up multiple data directories and think of each as a separate, local Datastore mode instance. To clear the contents of a local_db.bin file, stop the emulator and manually delete the file.
In order to use the emulator on the same machine it's recommended to set the environment variables automatically as mentioned in the documentation