help me for report Abap. I have 2 table.
Z1 | Z2 | Z3 |
A | B | C |
Fieldname |
Z2 |
i should create a file with only fields of itab2(itab obbligatory field) but the value of itab head.
The file will be:
tab file
Z2 |
B |
Itab2 say me which field of itab1 are obbligatory for create itab file.
This gives you an idea of what to do using ASSIGN
for dynamic field selection.
LOOP AT itab_a INTO DATA(wa_itab_a). " your data tab
LOOP AT itab_b INTO DATA(wa_itab_b). " your obligatory field list
TRANSLATE wa_itab_b-fieldname TO UPPER CASE. " important if they are not already in uppercase
ASSIGN COMPONENT wa_itab_b-fieldname OF STRUCTURE wa_itab_a TO FIELD-SYMBOL(<fs_field>).
" ... in <FS_FIELD> you will have the values of the obligatory fields
" so you can concatenate, par example, to file line
CONCATENATE wa_file-line <fs_field> INTO wa_file-line SEPARATED BY c_separator.
" append file line here, something like this:
APPEND wa_file TO itab_file.
CLEAR wa_file.