Goal: To crop a video at a specific frame using FFMPEG
Problem: Video freezes at the end for ~1s
I'm new to FFMPEG, so not sure if any other details are needed to debug this.
import subprocess
import datetime
# Calculate start and end times in hh:mm:ss.ms
start_frame, end_frame = (9553, 10181)
start_time = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=start_frame/fps))
end_time = str(datetime.timedelta(seconds=end_frame/fps))
cmd = ['ffmpeg', '-y', '-ss', start_time, '-to', end_time, '-i', input_path, '-c', 'copy', clip_path]
Start Frame: 9553
End Frame: 10181
Start Time: 0:06:22.120000
End Time: 0:06:47.240000
You will have to cut on key frames only or remove -c copy
and re-encode.