I want to filter out multiple data errors in a huge (>20 000 points) dataset.
Here is a pretend dataset (EDIT: I simplified it significantly):
In this hypothetical example, I want to exclude wt
values >20 or <6 when age==1
, then exclude any wt
values +/- 1 SD from the mean for age
2-3 days, and then exclude any wt
values +/- 2 SD from the mean for age
Note that I am not trying to group ages 2-3 to extract 1 mean and 1 SD. Instead, I would like dplyr
to extract the mean and SD at each age (2 and 3) individually and apply the same exclusion criteria over that range of ages.
I am generally familiar with dplyr
and thought about tackling it like this (solution adapted from @Suran's answer that didn't work exactly as needed):
!(age==1 & wt<6),
!(age==1 & wt>20),
!(age==2 & wt >= (mean((data%>%filter(age==2))$wt) +sd((data%>%filter(age==2))$wt))),
!(age==2 & wt <= (mean((data%>%filter(age==2))$wt)-sd((data%>%filter(age==2))$wt))),
!(age==3 & wt >= (mean((data%>%filter(age==3))$wt) +sd((data%>%filter(age==3))$wt))),
!(age==3 & wt <= (mean((data%>%filter(age==3))$wt)-sd((data%>%filter(age==3))$wt))),
!(age==4 & wt >= (mean((data%>%filter(age==4))$wt) +2*sd((data%>%filter(age==4))$wt))),
!(age==4 & wt <= (mean((data%>%filter(age==4))$wt)-2*sd((data%>%filter(age==4))$wt)))
This is a really cumbersome solution and is not going to be feasible for me given I actually have 8 different exclusion criteria across multiple ages. Any suggestions on how I can bring this together?
EDIT: The desired final dataset would look like this:
age wt
1 12
2 32
2 32
3 1
3 0
4 4
4 8
4 1
4 1
4 2
To get the mean()
for each age
you need to first group_by(age)
and scale()
before doing the filter arguments.
data_clean <- data
group_by(age) %>%
mutate(x = abs(scale(wt)[,1])) %>% #create a new variable that scales the wt, x<=1 means wt is within 1 SD of mean, x<=2 means wt is within 2 SD of mean
ungroup() %>%
filter((age==1 & wt %in% c(6:20) | #keep weights >6g and <20g at age==1
age %in% c(2:3) & x <= 1 | #keep mean wts ± 1 SD for 2-3 days
age>=4 & x<=2) %>% #keep mean wts ± 2 SD for >=4 days