I am working at JT reader. I make reader for JT V8.0 or V9.5. Now I trying to parse JT V10.0 or V10.5. But I faced problem with decompression data. For old version code was working without problems. I am using C#. This is specification for JT V10 https://www.plm.automation.siemens.com/en_us/Images/JT-v10-file-format-reference-rev-B_tcm1023-233786.pdf
When program find Logical Element Header Compressed(specification page 33) it cant decompress this. Error is in header.
I used SharpZipLib for decompression for JT V8.0,V9.5.
If someone has specification for JT files V8.0 or V9.5, it may help me.
I will be glad for any advice how to solve this problem
I found the solution to my problem. Despite the fact that in specification was written that they used LZMA compression, they used XZ compression or LZMA2. I found library XZ.NET. This library decompress or compress XZ compression.