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Disable default Dashboards in the Prometheus Community Helm Chart

I deployed the kube-prometheus-stack helm chart. While this chart offers a really nice starting point it has lots of default dashboards which I do not want to use. In the values.yaml of the chart, there is an option defaultDashboardsEnabled: true, which seems to be what I am looking for but if I set it to false using the code below in my values file, which I mount into the helm chart, the dashboards are still there. Does anyone know why this does not work?

A possibility which I thought of is that the chart has both a subchart called grafana and an option grafana, but I do not know how I could fix it or test if this is the issue.

  defaultDashboardsEnabled: false 


  • I`m placing this answer to better visibility as community might interested in other solutions.

    • First way would be setting grafana.enable: to false in values.yaml.
    ## Using default values from
      enabled: true

    With this your chart will not install grafana.

    • Another way would be to helm pull the chart to your local directory and then just delete the template.grafana directory (to launch the chart locally you just need to helm install <name> ./prometheus-stack)