I'm using the plugin vue-i18n for translations in a Nuxt.js-powered SPA. This allows easy access to messages within components, like this:
But how do I get translations outside components? In my specific case, I need them in a store action:
export const actions = {
async myAction({ commit, state, rootState, rootGetters }, options) {
const message = $t("example.message.key") // doesn't work, undefined
const message1 = this.$i18n.t("example.message.key") // doesn't work, undefined
This is how I include the vue-i18n plugin in the project:
"dependencies": {
"vue-i18n": "^8.18.2",
plugins: [
After some research, I found a working solution on the Vue Forum here:
const message = this.app.i18n.t("example.message.key")
Works for me like a charm!