How can you pull out the genes/observations from the row groups generated from cutree_rows = 3
in pheatmap
? would be obj$tree_row$...
obj <- pheatmap(mat, annotation_col = anno, fontsize_row = 10, show_colnames = F, show_rownames = F, cutree_cols = 3, cluster_cols = FALSE, color = col, scale = 'row',cutree_rows = 3)
I have seen you can find the gene list if you apply k means by running obj$kmeans$cluster
like in here is there a way to preserve the clustering in a heatmap but reduce the number of observations?
You can just do cutree on it again, so for example data is such:
mat = matrix(rnorm(200),20,10)
rownames(mat) = paste0("g",1:20)
obj = pheatmap(mat,cluster_cols = FALSE, scale = 'row',cutree_rows = 3)
Do cutree :
cl = cutree(obj$tree_row,3)
ann = data.frame(cl)
rownames(ann) = rownames(mat)
g1 1
g2 2
g3 1
g4 2
g5 3
g6 1
g7 2
g8 1
g9 1
g10 2
g11 3
g12 2
g13 2
g14 1
g15 2
g16 2
g17 1
g18 3
g19 3
g20 2
We plot this again to see it's correct,
pheatmap(mat,cluster_cols = FALSE, scale = 'row',cutree_rows = 3,annotation_row=ann)