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table not found issue in oracle database

I am running below query from sqldeveloper.

select  apps.inv_project.get_pjm_locsegs('concatenated_segments') from dual;

then I am getting below error.

enter image description here

I searched in the package and table indeed exist.

 SELECT concatenated_segment_delimiter
        FROM apps.fnd_id_flex_structures
       WHERE id_flex_code = 'MTLL'
         AND ROWNUM = 1;

am i doing something wrong?


  • I presume that SELECT statement you posted points to line #1978 (where the error was raised).

    If you can select from the table on SQL level, it means that you have required privileges.

    But, if you aren't the owner of that table and acquired privileges on it via role, then such privileges won't work in named stored procedures (which is your inv_project.get_pjm_locsegs function, part of the package; right?).

    If that's so, you should grant those privileges directly to user which is using the table (and that's apps).