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Grouped styled tableview in detailview of splitview

I try to have a grouped styled tableview in the right view of my splitview (DetailViewController). The DetailViewController has a UITableViewController without NIB file. I already have implemented

 - (id)initWithStyle:(UITableViewStyle)style {
   if ((self = [super initWithStyle:UITableViewStyleGrouped])) {
   return self;

With no effect. Maybe I have to override -(id)init{}?

Any help would be nice. regards Christian


  • Yeah, I just solved it. In MainWindow-iPad.xib I put an UITableViewController on the spot of the UIViewController of the right panel. With this controller comes a Tableview. First i switched the name of the class to DetailViewController. Then I linked all outlets and delegates. Finally I set the style to grouped of this tableview in IB. And that worked.