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Python + Google Sheet | How to Update specific cells

I'm learning how to use Google Sheet API and Python.

Firstly, I need to update specific cells in Google Sheet, not a range of cells.

I could use update_cell(), but each update will take up a Write Request, which is not optimal.


I read the developers guide on spreadsheets().values().update() and batchUpdate. If I'm not mistaken, they only take 1 write request. But I don't get how to do specific cells update.

ssName = sheet_ELCSV.title + '!'
cell_range = 'A2,B2,D2,A3,K3'
values = (
    ('Fee', '-2.38285229')
value_range = {
    'majorDimension' : 'ROWS',
    'values': values
    spreadsheetId = ssID,
    valueInputOption = 'USER_ENTERED',
    range = ssName + cell_range,
    body = value_range

Any guidance is appreciated!


  • The spreadsheets.values.update is a method used for updating single range.

    A range can be a single cell in a sheet or a group of adjacent cells in a sheet.

    Here are the example of valid ranges:

    • Sheet1!A1:B2 refers to the first two cells in the top two rows of Sheet1.

    • Sheet1!A:A refers to all the cells in the first column of Sheet1.

    • Sheet1!1:2 refers to the all the cells in the first two rows of Sheet1.

    • Sheet1!A5:A refers to all the cells of the first column of Sheet 1, from row 5 onward.

    • A1:B2 refers to the first two cells in the top two rows of the first visible sheet.

    • Sheet1 refers to all the cells in Sheet1.

    • Sheet1!A1 refers to the A1 cell of Sheet1

    To update multiple ranges at once, you can use batchUpdate():

    Try this code below:

    batch_update_values_request_body = {
        "valueInputOption": "RAW",
        "data": [
                'range': 'Sheet1!A2',
                'values': [['Sell']]
                'range': 'Sheet1!B2',
                'values': [['-2.17']]
                'range': 'Sheet1!D2',
                'values': [['27760.0476']]
                'range': 'Sheet1!A3',
                'values': [['Fee']]
                'range': 'Sheet1!K3',
                'values': [['-2.38285229']]

    Output: Sample output



    A1 Notation