I'm trying to send some characters to page 1 of text mode by its memory address, but I find no suitable result, I calculated the page 1 address like this "0B800h + 1000h = 0C800h".
This is my code:
MODEL small
exCode DB 0
x_var db 219
mov ax, @data ; Initialize DS to address
mov ds, ax ; of data segment
; Page 1
mov ax, 0501h
int 10h
;Page 1 buffer -> es
mov ax, 0C800h
mov es, ax
mov si, offset x_var
mov di, (10*80*2)+(10*2)
; wait for any key press:
mov ah, 0
int 16h
;Page 0 again
mov ax, 0500h
int 10h
mov ah, 04Ch ; DOS function: Exit program
mov al, [exCode] ; Return exit code value
int 21h ; Call DOS. Terminate program
END Start ; End of program / entry point
The problem is in the calculation of the segment. If you are in an 80x25 text mode then each text page is 4096 bytes (01000h) in size. You can't add 01000h to 0b800h. You need to shift 01000h right by 4 bits (or divide by 16 decimal) to convert the value to number of 16 byte paragraphs and then add it to the 0b800h segment value. 01000h shifted right 4 bits is 0100h. Add that to 0b800h and you get 0b900h (0b800h+0100h) as the segment where page 1 starts. Thus:
mov ax, 0C800h
mov es, ax
Should be:
mov ax, 0B900h
mov es, ax