I have three database tables:
I would like to select max speeds of all cars and the gear they achieve the max speed with. I got to the following query:
SELECT MAX(speed.actual_speed)
FROM car
INNER JOIN speed ON car.id = speed.car_id
GROUP BY car.id;
This query works but doesn't return the gear. If I include gear_id
in the select SELECT MAX(speed.actual_speed), speed.gear_id
. The database complains that gear_id
should be included in group by or aggregate function.
But if I include it in the group by GROUP BY car.id, speed.gear_id
the query returns max speeds for all gears which I'm not interested in.
Is there maybe a way to get back all cars with their max speed and the gear they achieve it in?
A simple and portable solution uses a correlated subquery:
select s.*
from speed s
where s.actual_speed = (select max(s1.actual_speed) from speed s1 where s1.car_id = s.car_id)
This would benefit an index on (car_id, actual_speed)
In Postgres, I would recommend distinct on
select distinct on (car_id) s.*
from speed s
order by car_id, actual_speed desc
Or, if you want to allow ties:
select *
from (
select s.*, rank() over(partition by car_id order by actual_speed desc) rn
from speed s
) s
where rn = 1