I tried to convert columns with listed vectors into string. Instead of using pivot_wider
to make the dataframe wide, I'd like to unlist the vectors and keep them in the same cell. So the dataframe has the same number of columns. I found a solution using sapply to convert one column.
df$a <- sapply(df$a, paste, collapse=",")
I am wondering if there's a way I could do this in a purrr
way and do it to multiple listed columns. I have provided my dput.
structure(list(rowid = c(3995L, 7899L), a = list(c("", "3007766601",
"1710034", "1036761", "3006260740", "9681413", "3004080548",
"1018470", "3010966701"), c("3013099020", "", "3005254598", "3007556128",
"3003600763", "3011347852")), e = list(c("K172483",
"K992729", "K043249", "K072487", "K033575", "K011925", "K180588",
"K982399", "K150662", "K110703"), c("K913525", "K880518", "K960198",
"K141672", "K926056", "K935580", "K953910", "K982706", "K911739",
"K010762", "K965013", "K120388", "K760429", "K940294", "K980322",
"K981131", "K896387", "K170946", "K003266", "K992506", "K003837",
"K121303", "K123603", "K190024"))), row.names = c(3995L, 7899L
), class = "data.frame")
Using map
from purrr
map_dfr(df, ~ map_chr(.x, str_c, collapse=", "))
# A tibble: 2 x 3
# rowid a e
# <chr> <chr> <chr>
#1 3995 , 3007766601, 1710034, 1036761, 3006260740, 9681413… K172483, K992729, K043249, K072487, K033575, K011925, K180588, K982399, K150662, K110703
#2 7899 3013099020, , 3005254598, 3007556128, 3003600763, 3… K913525, K880518, K960198, K141672, K926056, K935580, K953910, K982706, K911739, K010762…