I am trying to set up recurring payments for licenses using PHP.
I am using PayPal's Agreement API. Everything "seems" to be working correctly. I am in sandbox mode and I am being redirected to the ReturnURL successfully. However, I am not receiving notifications for the payments made.
The system is going to be set up to receive payment notifications on a monthly basis. Upon receipt of this notification, the license will be extended.
I have set the MerchantPreferences to:
$merchant_preferences->setReturnUrl($base_url . '/customers/payments/paypal/?dlms-status=success')
->setCancelUrl($base_url . '/customers/payments/paypal/?dlms-status=cancelled')
->setNotifyUrl($base_url . '/paypal.php')
Nothing is being posted by PayPal to https://www.example.com/paypal.php
Can someone please tell me the reason?
You can view your Sandbox account's IPN history with https://www.sandbox.paypal.com/webscr?cmd=_display-ipns-history
Various "Request Bin" type services will let you set up a free listener URL for troubleshooting, for example https://requestbin.com