I am trying to Input Text into a XCUIElementTypeSecureTextField
. So far I have tried the following methods:
Input Text //XCUIElementTypeTextField[@name="Email"] abcd@gmail.com
The element is visible but got the error message as
ValueError: Element locator '//XCUIElementTypeSecureTextField[@name=“Password”]' did not match any elements.
I am using iOS SDK version: 14.0 and Appium version: 1.19.1
<XCUIElementTypeTextField type="XCUIElementTypeTextField" value="Email" name="Email" label="" enabled="true" visible="true" x="35" y="395" width="344" height="41"/>
Input Text xpath=//XCUIElementTypeTextField[@name="Email"] abcd@gmail.com
why don't you use the name=? (this would easily work as well)
Input Text name=Email Test
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