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Google Fluentd Decode Base64

I have log file which have record between two tags RecordStart and RecordEnd the recorded message is base64 encoded I want to decode the message using google-fluentd and so it can send to other services. My Config:

  @type tail
  path <path_ot>/metrics.log
  pos_file /var/lib/google-fluentd/pos/metrics.pos
  read_from_head true
  format  multiline
  multiline_flush_interval 2s
  format_firstline /^RecordStart/
  format1 /^RecordStart\n(?<record>(\n|.)*)RecordEnd$/
  tag presto_server

I am not able to figure out how to decode base64 Any help ?


  • Try using the filter plugin to decode base64 files.

    Your config file in this case may look like this:

      @type tail
      path <path_ot>/metrics.log
      pos_file /var/lib/google-fluentd/pos/metrics.pos
      read_from_head true
      format  multiline
      multiline_flush_interval 2s
      format_firstline /^RecordStart/
      format1 /^RecordStart\n(?<record>(\n|.)*)RecordEnd$/
      tag presto_server
    <filter presto_server>
      type base64_decode
      fields mesg

    This is an adaptation of the config file I found here.

    You may also find this documentation helpful: HYow to modify log records ingested by fluentd.