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Kong GCP Stack Issue: Proxy Ports Setup

I'm using Kong Bitnami GCP Stack (version 2.2.0) as API Gateway:

It's working well for HTTP with port 8000 and HTTPS with port 8443 (default config). However, when I tried to change HTTP/HTTPS listen ports to 80/443 for production environment, following this link:, there are several issues:

  • In my Kong GCP stack, there is no file named "kong_nginx.tmpl", so I cannot fully implement as the reference link
  • I got these two issues when I just cahnge the in kong.conf:
    • bind() to failed (13: Permission denied)
    • bind() to failed (13: Permission denied)

Below is my current steps for configuration:

  1. run: sudo /opt/bitnami/ stop kong
  2. change /opt/bitnami/kong/conf/kong.conf: change proxy_listen =, ssl to proxy_listen =, ssl
  3. run: sudo /opt/bitnami/ restart kong

Any comments or feedbacks will be really appreciated. Thanks so much!

Best regards,


  • The reason for this error should be related to the user that is running the process in charge of kong. Checking at its modules we can find


    "com.bitnami.kong": {
                "id": "com.bitnami.kong",
                "name": "kong",
                "version": "2.2.1",
                "revision": "3",
                "installedAsRoot": false,
                "lifecycle": "installed",
                "installdir": "/opt/bitnami/kong",
                "installPrefix": "/opt/bitnami",
                "values": {
                    "systemUser": "kong",
                    "systemGroup": "kong",

    Here we need to change 'com.bitnami.kong'.values.systemUser and 'com.bitnami.kong'.values.systemGroup to root as well.

    In addition, we must change it in another file,


       "service":     {
            "confFile": "{{$app.confDir}}/kong.conf",
            "pidFile": "{{$app.installdir}}/server/pids/",
            "logFile": "{{$app.installdir}}/server/logs/error.log",
            "ports":         [
            "start":         {
                "timeout": 180,
                "wait": 5,
                "username": "kong",
                "command": "{{$app.installdir}}/bin/kong start && tail -f {{$app.installdir}}/server/logs/error.log",
                "env": {"PATH": "{{$app.installdir}}/openresty/bin:{{$app.installdir}}/openresty/luajit/bin:{{$app.installdir}}/openresty/nginx/sbin:{{$global.env.PATH}}"}

    Then we must change service.start.username to root.

    After that, perform the steps that you executed.

    Note that you have to be root to update those files.

    Hopefully, this helps you!