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Sort nodes based on ancestors

I have a problem where I would like to sort a set of nodes {a, b, c, d}. For each node I know the ancestors, i.e. those nodes that need to come before that node. (e.g a: {b, c} means that a needs to be somewhere in the list but after b and c).

I could solve following example iteratively like that:

  1. a: {b, c} --> b|c , a
  2. b: {c} --> c , b , a
  3. d: {b, c} --> c , b , d, a

Is there a known algorithm so solve this? Preferably in Python.


  • This problem is called Topological Sort. You can see the pseudocode here. Here is the python implementation:

    import copy
    def topological_sort(outcoming_edges):
        #outcoming_edges: Dict[str,Set[str]]
        # example: {'a': {'b', 'c'}, 'b': {'c'}, 'd': {'b','c'}}
        outcoming_edges = copy.deepcopy(outcoming_edges) #to make sure the original variable is not changed
        l = []
        #find outcoming_edges which has no incoming edge
        s = set(outcoming_edges.keys())
        for node in outcoming_edges:
            for ancestor in outcoming_edges[node]:
        incoming_edges = dict()
        for n, next_nodes in outcoming_edges.items():
            for m in next_nodes:
                if m in incoming_edges:
                    incoming_edges[m] = {n}
        while s:
            n = s.pop()
            next_nodes = outcoming_edges.get(n,set())
            while next_nodes:
                m = next_nodes.pop()
                if not incoming_edges[m]:
        if any(outcoming_edges.values()) or any(incoming_edges.values()):
            return None #graph has at least one cycle
            return l # a topologically sorted order