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Display problem of transform gizmo in blender 2.90 and 2.91

Since yesterday night, I have a problem with blender when I try to transform an object. I think that the image below helps in explaining what happens. Instead of showing the transformation gizmo properly, a family of polygons or lines appears on the screen. When I deselect the object, those weird elements disappear. I noticed that the lines of arrows in the gizmo are not displayed, neither those of the navigation gizmo (the one in the top-right corner). I am running a linux machine with Ubuntu 18.04.

enter image description here

The things that I have tried so far are:

  1. Uninstall blender 2.90 from the ppa of Thomas Schiex
  2. Install blender 2.91 from blender web page
  3. Remove .config/blender folder
  4. Click on Defaults->Load Factory Settings
  5. Try to check almost any option in the settings
  6. Check that apt has not updated/installed nothing since 08 Dec.

Edit: I have posted an answer below.
I have just solved the problem. Right after posting the question, blender crashed. This is the first time that has happened to me. In the crash log, I found that it is loading a LibGL library from another program through the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. After editing the environment variable, the problem has disappeared.


  • I have just solved the problem. Right after posting the question, blender crashed. This is the first time that has happened to me. In the crash log, I found that it is loading a LibGL library from another program through the LD_LIBRARY_PATH. After editing the environment variable, the problem has disappeared.