Firstly, please accept my apology if the question has already been asked ... and answered. I personally went through multiple google results, but it seams like the answers are either not relevant or impossible to implement with my level of understanding.
In my ignorance I have taken over a MVC WebApp project in .Net, that I need to redesign the UI for. It is a standard app where users query SQL database using HTML inputs and get some results on the screen for later manipulation.
The problem is that my knowledge of C# equals 0 and my JavaScript knowledge equals 1 on a 0-10 scale, so please treat me like a child when explaining.
To make things easier for myself I have bought a theme based on Bootstrap Paper Design. Now, the sortable table that comes with this has some formatting JavaScript, that was originally on the page, but I moved it out, so now it is loaded from external source with HTML <script>
tag. The code is below:
$(document).ready(function () {
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"lengthMenu": [
[6, 12, 24, -1],
[6, 12, 24, "All"]
responsive: true,
language: {
search: "_INPUT_",
searchPlaceholder: "Search records",
When the table is hardcoded the formatting JavaScript does the trick. I guess it is because the JavaScript is loaded after the table. I can be wrong, though. The problem is that the table is being build dynamically, basing on user's input. As far as I understand, JavaScript function gathers user's input, sends it to C# Controller. Then it receives (from C# Model) an HTML string formatted into a table and injects it into an existing <div>
. At least this is what I think happens. JavaScript code below:
// Search function
function Search_Customer() {
// Take values from form fields
p_ref_number = $('#txt_RefNumber').val();
p_email = $('#txt_Email').val();
p_fname = $('#txt_FirstName').val();
p_lname = $('#txt_LastName').val();
p_add1 = $('#txt_Address').val();
p_pcode = $('#txt_Postcode').val();
p_sch = $('#txt_SchoolCode').val();
// Display alert if all form fields are empty
if (isEmpty(p_fname) && isEmpty(p_lname) && isEmpty(p_email) && isEmpty(p_sch) && isEmpty(p_pcode) && isEmpty(p_add1) && isEmpty(p_dat) && isEmpty(p_ref_number)) {
showAlert('Please add search criteria first');
else {
p_Data = passSearchValuesToController();
// Run search function in Controller
p_URL = '@Url.Action("Get_Contact_Search_Result")';
// Display the card with search results
$.post(p_URL, p_Data, function (data_con) {
The <div>
the data is injected into is here:
<div id="displayCustomerResults" class="col-md-12"></div>
When this is done, the table is displayed but without the formatting that should be applied by the code from the first function.
I might be wrong, but I assume this happens because the table was added into the page after the formatting JavaScript was loaded. So, on this premise, I further assume I need a way of loading the script after the table is added. I tried a few things, but they all failed. One of the methods I used was adding these three lines of code into the else
part of the if
statement of the Search_Customer()
var tableScript = document.createElement("script");
tableScript.setAttribute("src", "../../Assets/js/custom/search-customer-table.js");
So, the question is how I can load an external script from within the else
part of the Search_Customer()
Any suggestions are much appreciated. And if I am being wrong by assuming that the problem is caused by the order of loading then please point me into a right direction.
Thanks a lot in advance.
First, congratulations to your very well presented and phrased question!
Instead of dynamically adding the script that actually, through $(document).ready()
, does its stuff only once when the page has been loaded (which has already happened long before the call to $.post()
), you can basically take the contents of the script and execute it right after the append()
as I have done in the code below (I haven't been able to test it):
// Search function
function Search_Customer() {
// Take values from form fields
p_ref_number = $('#txt_RefNumber').val();
p_email = $('#txt_Email').val();
p_fname = $('#txt_FirstName').val();
p_lname = $('#txt_LastName').val();
p_add1 = $('#txt_Address').val();
p_pcode = $('#txt_Postcode').val();
p_sch = $('#txt_SchoolCode').val();
// Display alert if all form fields are empty
if (isEmpty(p_fname) && isEmpty(p_lname) && isEmpty(p_email) && isEmpty(p_sch) && isEmpty(p_pcode) && isEmpty(p_add1) && isEmpty(p_dat) && isEmpty(p_ref_number)) {
showAlert('Please add search criteria first');
else {
p_Data = passSearchValuesToController();
// Run search function in Controller
p_URL = '@Url.Action("Get_Contact_Search_Result")';
// Display the card with search results
$.post(p_URL, p_Data, function (data_con) {
// Added this
"pagingType": "full_numbers",
"lengthMenu": [
[6, 12, 24, -1],
[6, 12, 24, "All"]
responsive: true,
language: {
search: "_INPUT_",
searchPlaceholder: "Search records",
What my addition does:
contains an element with id tbl_Customers
an element with id tbl_Customers
in the appended HTML and applies whatever .DataTable()
does to this element.